Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maundy Thursday/Holy Thursday at the church near sheep camp

This Sheepherder is once again humbled ... it happens a lot (humbling), yet tonight's worship was one to really remember.

First, a little background ... Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday in some parts of the huge Christian family) is the night when Christ's church remembers the new commandment Jesus gave the followers the night before He went to the cross, to pay the penalty for everyone's sin for all time. The new commandment: Love one another, even as Jesus first loved us. Totally. Completely. In humble service to each other.

Tonight's service was co-led by a dear brother in Christ,along with six young people from the 7th & 8th grade Confirmation Class, and Pastor Sheepherder presiding.

Meet the brothers and sisters in Christ who assisted in worship tonight:

First, there's Bill. He teaches Confirmation Sunday School (Old & New Testament) as well as industrial arts and coaching in our local school district. And, each Spring, he grows a beard and takes on the role of the Apostle John in our local Easter pageant.

(The Apostle's good wife, Martha, kindly puts up with that beard until after the pageant on Palm Sunday. However, the Apostle has continued showing up for worship this Holy Week, and she's gamely putting up with his beard through Easter Sunday. But, I digress.)

Tonight, as we prepared to remember the Last Supper Jesus shared with his first followers, Apostle John called us into worship with a heartfelt first-person account of what it was like to be there, and to experience those three days from Last Supper, to the betrayal of Jesus, his suffering and death,and burial. Come Easter Sunday, Apostle John will be back for a visit with our Sunday School and Adult Bible Class, to share more of the Easter story and to engage the scholars, young and old, in a little Question and Answer time.

Now, meet the confirmands: Tonight's worship assistants included Abbe and Brittnee, our 8th graders, along with 7th graders Andy, Destiney, Jaci and Tyler. (7th Grader Jordan couldn't be with us tonight. )In addition to lighting the candles, helping with the offering and assisting at communion, these young people read the Bible lessons, led the congregation in the prayers, and helped strip the altar and sanctuary of its furnishings in preparation for Good Friday.

These kids know Jesus, know how to have a good time (you ought to be at confirmation with them some Wednesday night!), and respond with all their growing hearts and souls when it's time to get serious.

Tonight was such a night of awe and wonder: Oh, my, how God the Holy Spirit is melting, molding, filling and using lambs of all ages, all vital parts of the body of Christ.

The Apostle John, known also as Mr. Ford, Coach, or just Bill, grew up in this congregation. He went through the same faith formation that he now leads with our confirmation classes on Sundays and with all whom he encounters week in and week out. He's truly a shepherd, because he knows he's a sheep in the flock of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Pastor Sheepherder here has known most of these 7th and 8th graders since they were 6 years old. Along with co-sheepherders (confirmation guides Betty and Farrel), Pastor Sheepherder gets a blessed two years of concentrated time with them during the 7th and 8th grade confirmation program. What a joy to see them take their place in the Good Shepherd's flock. They are learning to know, believe and trust Jesus. They are growing into the body of Christ in ways that will shape them for a lifetime of faithful witness and service.

Our faith community - choir, ushers and greeters, communion servers, and all the praying, worshipping people of Hope, and the aforementioned worship leaders -- all got a glimpse tonight of God's amazing grace at work.

  • We had the foretaste of the feast to come, when we received Jesus' body and blood, in with and under the bread and wine or grape juice, and heard the words: Given for you, shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins.
  • We glimpsed the once and future church: The communion of saints, stretching back to all who awaited Jesus in faith,into the future among all who will believe and receive Jesus, across time and across boundaries of land and sea, language and culture.
  • Tonight reminded how the Lord can take our fears and turn them into joy beyond our imagining. That's what happened during the three days leading up to Easter, the raising of Jesus from the tomb. In that striking act of love, his crucifixion, Jesus put sin, death and the devil in their places. It was Good News then and it's Good News now, good for teenagers and those who shepherd them. It seems that kids take a bad rap these days. And, how often have you heard someone say how hard those jr. high school years are? Yes, they are hard - and they are hard for kids going through those times of change from childhood to young adulthood. Pastor Sheepherder confesses that teaching jr. high confirmation was one of her greatest fears going into ordained ministry. It's turned out to be one of her greatest joys, this privilege of shepherding young people through this spiritual rite of passage.

Past, present and future came together on that Maundy Thursday, the night when Jesus was betrayed and began his last legs of the redemption story.

Past, present and future came together again tonight, reminding us once again that memory of what Christ has done for us gives hope for the future, and hope in the future gives power in the present.

Who could ask for more?

Not me.

In Christ,

Pastor Sheepherder

PS -- Watch for the messages from this service -- especially the Apostle John's -- on our website in the future. Drop in to , pull down the menu to find sermons, and check it out some time soon.

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