Thursday, April 29, 2010


Broadcast earlier today on KUVR-1380 AM, Holdrege, Neb. April 29, 2010

What do shepherds talk about with their sheep?

That’s easy … just like when friends in Christ act as little shepherds to each other, they talk about what really matters

Welcome to The Shepherd’s Notebook from Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church near Smithfield, Nebraska. I’m Pastor Cathi Braasch. Today, we’re picking up on yesterday’s conversation between David, the shepherd-king and psalmist, and one of his sheep, name of Lambchop. Let’s listen in …

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Lambchop: David, I know baaaad things happen.. I know that sometimes, really baaaad things happen to sheep. I know that sheep die. I have a feeling that I will one day die, maybe one day soon. I don't know if I can get through all the problems of a sheep's life. I struggle with other members of the flock. I get aches and pains, and diseases. But I don't have to worry, David. You are always here with me, like right now. You poke me with that shepherds’ crook when I need to get moving. You catch me with its hook-end when I run away from you. You are always here in the good times and in the bad times. Like when that pack of coyotes sneaked in and tried to kill the flock. You give me assurance and guidance for being a sheep whatever comes along. David, who does that for you?

David: Lambchop, shepherds especially need to be shepherded. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil. God is with me. God's rod and staff comfort me.

Lambchop…And when the bigger, stronger sheep try to push me away, you protect me and make sure I have space at the feed bunk. You make sure that all of us get enough – and the other sheep are starting to let me in, too. They’re learning from you. I know you will protect me. Around the clock, 24/7/365. But, David? Who does that for you?

David: The Lord prepares a table even around my enemies. God gives me the gifts to do what He calls me to do.

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The Lord does indeed gift us for shepherding each other along this journey we refer to as the life in Christ.

Christian friend, who is it that you shepherd?

Perhaps you’re the neighbor who all the little kids trust to see that the bullies don’t have their way with them. When you do that, do it for Jesus and let those kids know who shepherds you.

Maybe you’re a pastor or lay leader who is struggling and wondering, “God, how will I ever be able to shepherd this flock that you’ve entrusted to me?” Allow yourself the comfort of prayer and conversation with a trusted friend and co-worker, that you may be reminded of the joy of your calling and the one Good Shepherd who will never leave you alone or lead you astray.

That’s Shepherd’s Notebook for today. For credits involving this conversation between David and Lambchop, see the final paragraph of yesterday's posting.

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